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Democracy misses the point and does violence to the worthy goal of Liberty.

Democracy is little but tyranny by the majority, mob-rule of the majority, for the majority, against everyone else: all minorities combined. The American founders understood this footnote of history and rewarded us with a Constitutional Republic instead of a democracy.

Historical intelligentsia and the media menagerie born of those minds have betrayed liberty and any of us who care about it, our own, or anyone else’s. They continue betraying us on a weekly, daily, and hourly bases. This is mainly the status-quo media and talking heads on all sides of it. This runs way deep in our cultural DNA, about 120 years or 4 to 5 generations deep.

About 110-120 years ago, elitist social engineers both left and right congealed to penetrate academic institutions to purposefully cloud the language and understanding of constitutional republics (amongst lots of other important cultural things) in favor of “democracies” left and right. They rightly opined that “democracy” would be much easier to steer from the elitist top than would be our stubbornly Constitutional Republic. In large part, they’ve succeeded. And therein lie the groundings for much of our societal wedge; far more divided at the too-wide top than anywhere else, driving us apart and against one another.

We are on the verge of sacrificing our Constitutional Republic on the false alter of a democracy, if not to more immediately nefarious demigods. Trump and his cohort, if successful, would look very much like democracy: mob rule.

For legitimate civic understanding, our society needs to revisit this conversation of democracies and constitutional republics from the ground up, including an understanding of the influencers who have mislead us to this place. We’ve vastly lost any appreciation for the differences between the two systems of governance. Not only are we intellectually vacuous constitutionalists, but by now we’ve infected a third of the world with our civic lunacy about “democracies.”

Democracy be damned. Democracy is damned.